Happy Labor Day to everyone! I hope that all had a nice, relaxing holiday to mark the unofficial end of summer. As for me, I can certainly do without any more 100+ degree days here in all too sunny Georgia. I'm a girl who loves cooler weather. I figure you can always wear more clothes, but there's a socially acceptable limit to what you can take off to get cool. His Royal Lowness, on the other hand revels in his nekkidness in the evenings when we take off his collar. :)
In the spirit of Labor Day, we labored around the house. Waded through a ton of paperwork, which we seem to attract like bees to pollen (or some other more appropriate simile that I can't think of right now). I hear Richard at the shredder now. It pays to have a home office with an industrial shredder.
We're also trying to prove our worthiness to the organizer. While Jenn didn't give us "official" homework, we did have this:Yep. That's a laundry basket chock full o thread. DMC, Sampler Thread, Weeks, Thread Gatherer, Waterlillies, and sundry other fibers from a variety of completed projects that were just tossed in and needed to be put in some orderly fashion where they could be found and used for other projects. While Oscar supervised (a task he does quite well), Richard and I sorted thread by maker and number and/or name, and in the case of DMC bagged it with other floss and with other types of thread put it on rings. Eventually I'll have floss bags for everything, but I've got to order them.
Jenn's not a stitcher. She's a knitter, but she's learning all about stitching. When she first asked if I really *needed* all this thread, I really tried not to gasp in horror. I explained the concept of stitching out of stash and how it differed from buying yarn for specific projects. She's learning a whole different world of needlework, and I'm trying to see things from another point of view. Interesting all around. :)
Monday, September 3, 2007
In the Spirit of the Holiday
Posted by Jean in Georgia at 8:20 PM
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